Saturday, September 19, 2009

MADRID! Last night I went to Madrid, and it was incredible.

Elvis Perkins in concert was fabulous, as was his opening act, Dawn Landes. Somehow my friend Eliza got our names on "the list" and we squeezed our way up to the first row in front of the stage. After the concert, we got to talk a few seconds with one of the band members, and we talked with Elvis on the street before the show, so I'd say it was a definite success.

And the Madrid metro is possibly the most sensible invention since post-its. It just makes sense. All of Madrid makes sense, like how I found out that in Starbucks in Madrid, "especial para los niños" means that if you are not a "niño" (little kid), then you cannot order off that menu. It makes sense. I don't like it, but it does makes sense.

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