Tuesday, August 25, 2009


11 full days left in Madison. Its going so quickly, and I'm trying to fit in everything in before i head off to Tres Cantos, Spain (Pictured above). My to-do list is longer than any I have had before, and my sleep hours are weirder than they have been in a long time, but I'm enjoying Madison and all of its little-town-ness. I am trying to improve my Spanish before I leave: 20 minutes of univision, channel 6 TV helps a bit, and my newest vocab words:
parir: to give birth, pesar: regret, desafico: challenge, fregadero: kitchen sink.
maybe some of these will somehow be useful?
Well, I have my visa, I have my ticket, my host family and host school, so its all in place. So... 11 days, 11 days.

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